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Antelope Elementary School District


The goal of the Human Resources Department is to attract, hire, retain, and support the most highly qualified and talented workforce that is committed to providing an excellent education for all our students, in a safe, caring and supportive learning environment.
Job openings will be emailed to all AESD staff, posted in the District Office, posted at each school site office, and posted online at and Please be sure to submit a cover letter, three letters of reference and any credentials that may be required along with the completed application.
Although online applications are preferred, paper applications can be picked up at the District Office or downloaded by the links below.  Applications must be submitted by the deadline noted on the job posting.
**Incomplete applications will not be considered**
For employment verification, fax your request to (530) 527-0656 
How to apply 

How to apply 

Please visit edjoin for all of our current job openings. 
Nicole Mathisen HR/Payroll

Nicole Mathisen HR/Payroll

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